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Auto Insurance


From a driving perspective, New York has the third largest population in the U.S., which means there is significant vehicle ownership across all counties. This number of vehicles on the road gives New York high accident statistics with significant numbers of people killed and injured each year. It is worth considering paying for more than the basic minimum policy?

With Jay Tee Insurance, it is easy to find good value auto insurance policies. The main types of insurance policies to look for are:

1. Liability
2. Collision/Comprehensive
3. Uninsured/under insured driver
4. No fault/Personal Injury Protection

Jay Tee Insurance is dedicated to finding you the best policy that fits both your needs and your budget. Contact us Today!

Defensive Driving

Defensive driving can be looked at as using reasonable means to avoid an automobile accident. Simply stated it can be just looking out for the other guy and anticipating his possible actions. It goes a lot farther than that however, because it entails being able to look ahead and see danger before it happens. It is easier to modify your speed and/or move to a safer area ahead of time than being forced to quickly react by slamming on the brakes or swerving. Click here to save with defensive driving course.